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Wykład - Bioróżnorodność terenów zurbanizowanych. Dlaczego warto i jak ją chronić?

Wykład - Bioróżnorodność terenów zurbanizowanych. Dlaczego warto i jak ją chronić?

Wykład Dr Joanna Kajzer-Bonk jest częścią cyklu Wyzwania dla demokracji w dobie zmiany klimatu: perspektywa interdyscyplinarna.
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Wykład "Beyond cultural issues: Representational authority and Community-negotiated Consent among the Iraya and the Tau-Buhid Mangyan in the Philippines" profesora Christiana A. Rosalesa

Wykład "Beyond cultural issues: Representational authority and Community-negotiated Consent among the Iraya and the Tau-Buhid Mangyan in the Philippines" profesora Christiana A. Rosalesa

Zapraszamy do udziału w gościnnym wykładzie profesora Christiana A. Rosalesa​ (College of Human Ecology, University of the Philippines Los Baños), który odbędzie się 17 kwietnia 2024 roku o godzinie 13.00 online na platformie MS Teams.
Read More o Wykład "Beyond cultural issues: Representational authority and Community-negotiated Consent among the Iraya and the Tau-Buhid Mangyan in the Philippines" profesora Christiana A. Rosalesa
The meeting "Science, not silence. The university in the climate-environmental crisis"

The meeting "Science, not silence. The university in the climate-environmental crisis"

The climate-environment crisis: what is it like? Why is it like this? What to do? What is the role of the university in the climate-ecological crisis? What does it mean to be a sociologist/sociologist in the age of the sixth great extinction? Intergenerational relay - what has been taken away from us and have we received anything?
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Lecture - Governance in the Anthropocene. How to avert the spectre of catastrophe

Lecture - Governance in the Anthropocene. How to avert the spectre of catastrophe

Dr Miachal Palasz's lecture is part of the series Challenges for democracy in the age of climate change: an interdisciplinary perspective.
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Our project has been selected as an example of good practice by the National Agency Erasmus+!

Our project has been selected as an example of good practice by the National Agency Erasmus+!

The international TEAM (Teacher Education About Multilingualism) project, funded by an Erasmus+ grant, was co-created by members of Bilingualism Matters Kraków and Psychology of Language and Bilingualism Lab "LangUsta" from the Institute of Psychology at Jagiellonian University.
Read More o Our project has been selected as an example of good practice by the National Agency Erasmus+!