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General information

We invite you to learn more about the activities happening within The Excellence Initiative at the Faculty of Philosophy.

As part of the open calls process, you (i.e., Faculty employee) can apply for four types of funding:

Grants supporting publications in top jounrals and publishers
Grants supporting the receipt of international grants
Allowances for submitting international projects 
Funds to finance open access to publications 
Grants financing research trips of research and teaching employees 
Grants financing the visits of external guests 

Information about each of the calls along with the necessary forms can be found on the corresponding subpage.

The committee accepts applications on a continuous basis, and these are assessed in an ongoing manner, as long as the funds are available. The meetings of the Committee are held at least once a month. In urgent cases, decisions are made without delay.

The members of the committee are:

prof. Szymon Wichary (Head of the committee),

prof. Agata Świerzowska,

prof. Ewa Kopczyńska,

prof. Mariusz Sztuka,

prof. Krzysztof Posłajko,

Jarosław Bener, M.A.

The applicant has 14 days to appeal against the decision of the committee. The appeals committee members are: prof. Jacek Nowak and prof. Michał Wierzchoń.

A Communication Team was also established, which main task is to transfer information between the Excellence Initiative Team and employees of individual Institutes. The team consists of:

dr hab. Krystian Barzykowski,

dr Jadwiga Guerrero van der Meijden,

dr Karolina Kotkowska,

dr Barbara Krawcowicz,

dr hab. Małgorzata Michel, prof. UJ,

dr Anna Szwed.

We also recommend you read the FAQ.

Mention of the fact that ID UJ is a source of financing should be made on every occasion, whether that be in publications, in presentations on financed activities, etc.

The grants and the publications should be affiliated with the UJ.
After completing the expenditure of the planned funds, we ask for information, and after completing all the task in the grant (e.g., submitting the publication / grant proposal), applicants are required to submit the final report.

If you have any questions, please contact us:

or substantive matters - Anna Potoczek, Ph.D. (, Marta Maj, Ph.D. (,

for administrative matters - Danuta Klepacz, B.A. (,

for financial matters - Joanna Madyda-Popiel, M.A. (

Download files
Information about the Excellence Initiative Program
Instructions on how to proceed after receiving a positive financing decision under the IDUJ (Excellence Initiative)
Announcement regarding the information and promotion obligation under the Excellence Initiative program at the Jagiellonian University